Publishing Guidelines

Instructions for Publication in the Journal of Physical Education

First: The General Instructions;

The Journal of Physical Education (JOPE) is a quarterly scientific journal, non-profit, and specialized in publishing scientific research related to sports science, for the purposes of scientific publishing and promotions. It is issued by the College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences / University of Baghdad.

The Journal of Physical Education (JOPE) follows Double Blind Review policy, and its open Access, which enables everyone to have free access to all published manuscript.
The personal information (Names, e-mail addresses, and cells phone numbers) is used in the journal's database for scientific purposes only and will not be available to anyone or used for another purpose.
The Journal of Physical Education (JOPE) applies a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0), which let others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. For more information, click the link below:

The initial review and Plagiarism checkup of manuscripts will be done by the editorial board, and the author (s) will be informed about any problem during the first week of receiving the manuscript.
The received manuscripts will send for review to two approved reviewers based on Double Blind Review.
The maximum period of reviewing is (3) weeks from the date of receiving the manuscript.
According to the reviewer's recommendation; the manuscript will be accepted, or after another round of peer review, or Declined it.
After finishing peer reviewing the author (s) should pay (120000) Iraqi Dinars which is equivalent to (100) US Dollars as publication fees, note that the Journal of Physical Education is a non-profit journal, and these fees are for the peer reviewing, translating and publishing.
For authors outside of Iraq, no payment is required for the year (2023).
All reviewing steps are electronically based on the Open Journal Systems (OJS).

Second: Conditions of manuscript writing;

The Journal of Physical Education (JOPE) follows (IMRAD) style in manuscript writing and it refers to the first letters of the words: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and (And), Discussion.

For more information visit:

The title: The title of the manuscript will be read more than any other part. A good title should:

Contain as few words as possible (12) words

Be easy to understand.

Describe the contents of the manuscript accurately and specifically

Avoid abbreviations, formulas, and jargon

Report the subject of the manuscript rather than the results

Authors: The authors of a manuscript are individuals who have made an important contribution to Planning and carrying out it. The authors are listed in the logical order of importance of their contribution to the work. The person listed first is considered the senior author; others must be listed according to the importance of their contribution to the effort. It is customary to list the graduate student whose thesis or dissertation forms the basis of a paper as the first author followed by his or her major supervisor as the second author.


Abstract: It must be in the range of 150–250 words, and written in one paragraph. The Abstract should be complete in itself. It starts with a statement of rationale and objectives and reports the methods used, the main results including any newly observed facts, and the principal conclusions and their significance. The author should write statements that refer to the rationale and introduction, interpretation of results, and conclusions in present tenses, whereas materials and methods, and results are in the past tense.


Key Words: The manuscript must include keywords not more than six keywords. Words that appear on the title should not be repeated as keywords and they must be specific to the study scope and written at the end of the manuscript’s summary in a separate paragraph in English and Arabic languages. The authors should avoid common words like motor learning, training, and basketball … etc.


Introduction: The manuscript’s introduction should be relatively brief (less than 500 words) and interesting, explains why the author carried out the research and gives the background the reader needs to understand and judge the paper. It explains the importance of the study and determines its objectives by researching relevant literature. This is done by a brief review of these studies related to the research problem which should not be less than five recent studies and appropriate to enhance the research. It defines any specialized terms or abbreviations to be used in what follows. Authors should avoid repeating well-known facts or stating the obvious.


Materials and Methods: The purpose of this section is to show what has been done, how, and where, in a direct and simple way as well as to define how data has been collected, displayed, and analyzed. This section should take into consideration the chronological order of the manuscript procedures and mention the important details only.

Results: This section of the manuscript presents the new information that the author (s) reached, and it represents the value of the manuscript, it must be displayed in a very clear and direct manner by using the necessary number of words, tables, and figures without redundancy or abbreviation, the presentation of results should be according to the sequence of the manuscript objectives mentioned in the introduction.


Discussion: In this section of the research, the author (s) will explain the meanings and implications of the results, so it shows the importance and the value of the manuscript.


Conclusions: Conclusions are not just repeating results, they should be clear, and expressive, and briefly suggest the outlines for future research. The journal of physical education (cope) allows a separate Conclusion section.


Acknowledgments: The journal of physical education (cope) allows a separate paragraph at the end of the manuscript for acknowledgment for the persons who provided significant assistance to the authors in order to complete their manuscript, as well as companies, or institutions that provided the financial support or the laboratories that provided the authors with tools and devices Also, this section is a place to mention the origin of the research, i.e., the manuscript was derived from a master thesis or a Ph.D. dissertation.


References: The list of references should include all citations that are mentioned in the manuscript text according to (APA) style (6th) edition using (Microsoft Word 2010) onwards, Mendeley reference manager software, or EndNote software.


Appendix: Authors can insert important additional information in the appendix. It includes details on the used programs, large tables, Questionnaires, software, manufactured devises, and other details that are useful for a full explanation and understanding of the results.    


Third: Conditions for receiving the manuscript for the purpose of publishing in the Journal of Physical Education;

Manuscript words should be limited to (4500) words.
Manuscript must be printed using (Microsoft Word 2010) onwards,  font size for the Manuscript's text is (12) and (14) bold for headlines, the font type is (Simplified Arabic) for Arabic language and (Times New Roman) for English language, standard page dimensions are (vertical - 3.17 x 2.54 cm), the separation distance between the lines and paragraphs is (1) cm.
Author (s) full and correct name in Arabic and English languages should be fixed under the manuscript title, while their information (scientific degree, scientific title, place of work (Ministry/University/college/Institute / … etc), and contact means (e-mail and cell phone number with Country Code) should be listed as a footnote.
The manuscript pages are numbered by inserting them electronically at the bottom and center of the page.
Pictures or diagrams must be consistency in Dimensions, by using a computer or scanner with height resolution. The table’s number and its title must be written in a clear and a brief manner and at the top of it, while the figures (pictures or diagrams) number and its title must be written in a clear and a brief manner and at the bottom of it.
The manuscript will be published in the English language after it is translated from Arabic by the journal. So authors can send their manuscripts in the English language.
Numbers are printed in Arabic form exclusively (0 1 2 3 4), and when using parentheses, no space is left between them such as: (2540), and no space is left before the punctuation marks: comma, two dots, dot … etc. Examples: sports training, motor learning, sports psychology.
It’s not allowed to use immediate translating software or websites like Google translate … etc.
Author (s) should use standard scientific terms. Authors who submit their manuscripts in the Arabic language should insert the scientific terms in the English language.
Citation should be according to (APA) style (6th) edition using (Microsoft Word 2010) onwards, or Mendeley reference manager software, or EndNote software.
The list of references (Bibliography) should include all citations that are mentioned in the manuscript text.
It’s not allowed to cite from weak (and/or) fake websites.
It’s allowed to cite from approved websites depending on peer-reviewed journals, scientific books, local or international university theses, and dissertations.
Scientific citation must not be less than (25) approved references, a minimum (50%) of peer-reviewed journals, and a maximum (50%) of books.
All cited references must be modern (last five years), with some important exceptions.