A comparative study in the values of some variables Bio mechanics between two different speeds in approaching the stage when performing correction by jumping basketball.


  • Muhanned Faisal




The study examined the game of basketball being one of the games that you play in a short time and small space imposed on players master the various skills and was the greatest attention focused "on the skill of shooting jump which is one of the most difficult skills and used at different speeds depending on the circumstances of the game and the defensive, while the importance of the research was to subjecting national team players basketball to study in order to obtain the values of variables bio mechanics depending on the speed the players after the performance steps approximate and accompanied by differences in these values depending on to their speed, and because of the large number of changes that occur in the game and the different speed of the players in the starting to the basket a moment ago correction and surrounding this skill of influences and blurred vision have trained in different some of the values of variables bio mechanics accordingly "to change the speed coming out players and maybe of errors in the process of correction, there Quicken appropriate maximum to ensure you get the best performance and otherwise cause a failure in the process of correction, The study aimed to identify the differences in the values of some variables bio mechanics in approaching the stage and at different speeds when shooting jump performance. It has been used in the study descriptive approach to five players from the national team basketball as it has been to give each player ten attempts to lead correction as quickly as desired by the After selecting the area where the process of correction and after the analysis process bio mechanics by analysis program Dart fish on the variables of the study, as showed differences in the values of these variables depending on "the speed of the players when performing correction by jumping from where angle body and the time of flight and the maximum height in addition to the angle of flight the ball and this shows that these differences were a result of the amount of momentum coming out of players and that affect the values, the most important recommendations that came out the study is to emphasize during the exercises to be approaching the speed increased commensurate with the requirements of correction in addition to the site that inappropriate speed caused a change in some of the variables that are supposed to be controlled during the correction jumping basketball




How to Cite

Faisal M. A comparative study in the values of some variables Bio mechanics between two different speeds in approaching the stage when performing correction by jumping basketball. jope [Internet]. 2014 Mar. 28 [cited 2024 May 3];26(1):114-27. Available from: https://jcope.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/jcope/article/view/51