The Effect of the (Team - Pair - Solo) Strategy in Learning the Accuracy of the Spiking Skill in Volleyball


  • Donia Ali University of Nahrain - College of Political Science - Student Activities Division
  • Najla Al-Zuhairi University of Baghdad/College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for women


الكلمات المفتاحية:

(team-pair-solo) Strategy، Accuracy of Spiking Skill، Volleyball


This study aims to prepare educational sessions for the strategy (team-pair-solo) in practical volleyball lessons for female students and identifying its effect on learning the accuracy of the spiking skill in volleyball. An experimental design with experimental and control groups was employed on a purposive sample of (30) female students who were to constitute (42.254%) from their community represented by the sophomores at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls / University of Baghdad who are in good standing in the morning study for the academic year (2022-2023), whose total number is (71) students.

According to the determinants of the experimental design, participants were divided into two equal groups, and the accuracy test of the skill under research was determined, and four educational sessions were prepared that were applied experimentally to the students of the experimental group over four consecutive weeks. One session per unit was presented to participants in the experimental group. Participants in the control group received the conventional learning of the accuracy of this skill.

After the completion of the experimentation, the scores of the pre- and post-tests of the students of these two groups were collected and statistically processed with the statistical package for social sciences. The researchers concluded and recommended that a strategy (team-pair-solo) can be applied in practical physical education lessons to learn the accuracy of the skill performance in volleyball for sophomores at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls. This application helps in learning the accuracy of the spiking skill in volleyball among students and outperforms its learning among students who learn without such a strategy.

It is necessary to pay attention to provide a learning environment that suits the application of a strategy (team-pair-solo) in practical physical education lessons in volleyball, and it is necessary to pay attention to diversifying the combination between cooperative and individual self-learning within one lesson when learning the accuracy of the spiking skill in volleyball among sophomores at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for girls.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Ali D, Al-Zuhairi N. The Effect of the (Team - Pair - Solo) Strategy in Learning the Accuracy of the Spiking Skill in Volleyball. jope [انترنت]. 28 ديسمبر، 2024 [وثق 10 مارس، 2025];36(4):1171-85. موجود في:

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