Effects of Mental Imagination on Accuracy of Jump Shot in Basketball


  • Marwan Mohameed
  • Wahbi Alwan
  • Taraq Swade




The aim of this study was to know the effects of Mental Imagination on Jump Shot in Basketball . Twenty youth basketball players took part in this study , age 15,2 ± 1,03 years , height 170,5 ± 6,43 cm and weight 61,9 ± 2.84 kgs . After they did 20 jump shots (pretest) on day 1/12/2004, then this sample divided into tow groups , experimental and control group . The experimental group took ten workouts mental imagination about positive jump shooting after each practice sessions . After that the tow groups made 20 jump shooting on day 27/1/2004 ( post test ) the researcher used proper statistic methods to compare between pre and post tests results The researchers concluded that mental imagination has positive effects on developing jump shots , increase likely shooting success in basketball and strengthens player's self-confidence by isolating him forum outside environment and interacting him with his inside environment




How to Cite

Mohameed M, Alwan W, Swade T. Effects of Mental Imagination on Accuracy of Jump Shot in Basketball. jope [Internet]. 2009 Mar. 28 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];21(1):20-32. Available from: https://jcope.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/jcope/article/view/704