he impact aerobic exercises in development muscle strength and improve balance hormones (T3-T4-TSH) and basal metabolic rate of the body to the women with Hypothyrodism


  • Ahlam Taha




Highlights the importance of research in the development of a training curriculum for Leiropeix handles the case of hypothyroidism and the use of these programs prophylaxis and treatment of diseases suffered by individuals to reduce their negative impact on health, I have noticed a researcher research problem in which women at different ages to disorders and idle work of the thyroid gland, which affects the body negatively, with the emergence of several problems, such as shortages and the decline in the level of strength and muscle weakness, inability to move easily and with a muscular contractions and an increase in weight, the researcher used the experimental method for suitability and the nature of the problem, either the research sample was selected way intentional and Hyman affiliated in University of Technology, where the sample consisted of (12) affiliated and age (40-50 years) were divided evenly into two groups, experimental and control, and through expert opinion.... put the researcher tests for research and the number of training curriculum and codified, the bag was used statistical (SPSS) for data processing, the researcher found that there is a positive effect of exercise aerobics in improving the level of hormones (T3-T4-TSH) and exercises aerobics have an impact effective in improving the basal metabolic rate of the body, as well as the researcher recommended the adoption of aerobics Ktmarin therapeutic in the treatment of some conditions and under the supervision of doctors and rationing Cdd training in a scientific manner consistent with the state of the sample first and second research variables




How to Cite

he impact aerobic exercises in development muscle strength and improve balance hormones (T3-T4-TSH) and basal metabolic rate of the body to the women with Hypothyrodism. jope [Internet]. 2014 Sep. 28 [cited 2024 Apr. 27];26(3):68-84. Available from: https://jcope.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/jcope/article/view/258