تـأثير بعض التمارين العلاجيـة التـأهيليــة لإصابات مرفق التنس في الأداء المهاري للضربة الخلفية بكرة الطاولة


  • رائد مهوس
  • سميرة عبد الرسول
  • حسنين هاشم




Objective of this research is to identify the effect of exercise therapeutic rehabilitative muscles working on tennis elbow injured and performance skill the back hand Table Tennis, and I suppose there were statistically significant differences between the tests before and after exercise therapeutic rehabilitative muscles working on tennis elbow injured and performance skill the back hand Table Tennis. Turning researchers to theoretical studies which contained Detectives multiple on the subject of research, has been used by researchers experimental method and define the research community a group of students the third stage with tennis crankshaft in the Faculty of Physical Education / University of Mustansiriya for the academic year (2012 - 2013) and numbered (7) students practitioners Game table tennis, was selected sample way intentional from the community of original research and numbered (145) students were divided the sample into one group includes (7 ) students , it took two exercises and therapeutic exercise technique (8) weeks, (3) units per week , and after completion of the curriculum has been testing a posteriori and the use of statistical treatments appropriate to reach the results were then viewing the results and analysis and discussion has reached the researchers conclusions illusion that the exercises therapeutic had a complementary role in improving the performance skill the back hand Table Tennis, as the most important recommendations was the need to develop curricula qualifying for people living in other games.




كيفية الاقتباس

مهوس ر, عبد الرسول س, هاشم ح. تـأثير بعض التمارين العلاجيـة التـأهيليــة لإصابات مرفق التنس في الأداء المهاري للضربة الخلفية بكرة الطاولة. jope [انترنت]. 28 مارس، 2014 [وثق 29 مارس، 2025];26(1):14-29. موجود في: https://jcope.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/jcope/article/view/36

الأعمال الأكثر قراءة لنفس المؤلف/المؤلفين