الإرواء بالماء الممغنط وتأثيره في الحد الأقصى لاستهلاك الأوكسجين (VO2MAX) لدى لاعبي كرة السلة الشباب بأعمار (17- 18) سنة


  • شيرزاد محمد

الكلمات المفتاحية:

الإرواء، الممغنط


The water when it passes through the magnetic field becomes more dynamic than the biological standpoint, and helps improve blood flow, and connected to the body's tissues and cells, and is the process of drinking water is magnetized before, during and after training and competitions by athletes in general and basketball players in particular are very important to compensate lack of body fluids lost during and to reduce the negative effects of this lack of work and the efficiency of various body organs, and the problem of the research were the that all the means used locally for the development of physical performance and functional for athletes in general and basketball players in particular are the traditional methods are no longer sufficient to reach athletes to the level of physical and functional the high position to bear the burden of training and development of more competitive level of the effectiveness of his performance while playing. The research aims to identify the impact of irrigation water, magnetized in the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2MAX) of basketball players young people, and I suppose the researcher that there are significant differences between the tests tribal _ a posteriori the two sets of research in the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2MAX), and there statistically significant differences between the tests a posteriori the two sets of research in the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2MAX) of basketball players young people, research was conducted on a sample of basketball players young ages (17-18 years), and the researcher used the program (SPSS) in the treatment of private data search and retrieval, and concluded the researcher to the effectiveness of water magnetized as a catalyst and effectively in the development of aspects of physical and indicators physiological more than ordinary water and increase the return on training and bear sporting the burden of carrying the training and competition, basketball, and this is evident in the differences between the circles for billing, rate of development between the two groups the control and experimental and in favor of the experimental group and recommends that the researcher should be concerned with the trainers and those involved in organizing training for athletes of fluids, especially water magnetized before, during and after training and competition in natural conditions and warm.




كيفية الاقتباس

محمد ش. الإرواء بالماء الممغنط وتأثيره في الحد الأقصى لاستهلاك الأوكسجين (VO2MAX) لدى لاعبي كرة السلة الشباب بأعمار (17- 18) سنة. jope [انترنت]. 28 مارس، 2012 [وثق 29 مارس، 2025];24(1):26. موجود في: https://jcope.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/jcope/article/view/1841