Effect of proposed exercises for the development of some biomechanical variables to correct three points by jumping basketball for youth


  • Waleed Khalid
  • Ibrahim Jaleel




Effect of proposed exercises for the development of some biomechanical variables to correct three points by jumping basketball for youth

The study aimed:

  1. Identify the special strength and some biomechanical variables of the skill of shooting with three points of jumping basketball for young people.
  2. Preparation of exercises proposed on the basis of some biomechanical variables in the performance of the skill of juggling three points of jumping youth basketball.
  3. To identify the effect of the proposed exercise in the special force and some of the biomechanical variables in the performance of the skill of correction with three points of jumping for youth basketball.

The researcher used the experimental method. In the design of the two equal groups, the sample was randomly selected by the method of doubles and singles. The sample was divided into two groups (experimental and control). The distribution was 10 players per group and 5 players were chosen to represent the survey sample. (100%) of the community of origin for 2017-2018.

In light of the results of the research conducted on the basis of biomechanical analysis and statistical data processing, the following conclusions were reached:

  1. The exercises prepared by the researcher effect in improving the mechanical and physical variables.
  2. The applied exercises had an effect on improving the angle and speed of the ball, which was calculated through kinetic analysis.
  3. The exercises used have the effect of improving the angle of the hand during the correction, which was extracted through kinetic analysis.
  4. The results also showed an improvement in the skipping skill of the experimental sample members who applied the training program.

The recommendations were: the findings of the study recommend the following:

  1. Recommend the researcher to use special exercises proposed to take into account the mechanical variables of nook and speed in order to obtain a rapid improvement in mastering skills correction.
  2. The researcher recommends the use of modern devices in the measurement and kinetic analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses when performing the skill of correction.
  3. Recommend the researcher to conduct similar research and different samples of the aids





How to Cite

Khalid W, Jaleel I. Effect of proposed exercises for the development of some biomechanical variables to correct three points by jumping basketball for youth. jope [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 29];30(2):329-4. Available from: https://jcope.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/jcope/article/view/368