Teaching according to the active learning and its effect in the learning of some basic activities in basketball


  • Emad tumaa




The research covered five chapters: The first chapter provided guarantees and the importance of research and the research problem under study and research objectives , namely: - Knowledge of the effect of the active teaching learning to learn the skill clapotement change the direction in basketball. - Knowledge of the effect of the active teaching learning to learn Mharhaltahedev jumping basketball. Either research hypotheses are - There are significant differences between the results of the tests and the results of the tribal posterior tests for the two experimental and control groups to learn the skill clapotement change direction in favor and post tests. - There are significant differences between the results of the tests and the results of the tribal posterior tests for the two experimental and control groups to learn the skill of jumping and scoring tests in favor of a posteriori - There are significant differences between the results of the post tests for the two experimental and control groups to learn the skills of clapotement change direction and scoring jumping and in favor of the experimental group. The areas included Human and temporal and spatial. The second chapter guarantees the address to the teaching and learning basic skills active basketball clapotement change direction and scoring jumping. The third chapter guarantees the research methodology has been used experimental method and the research sample , one of the students of the first phase , Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Basic Education Mustansiriya University and repealed the number of the sample (40 ) students were divided into two experimental (20 ) students and the control group (20 ) students , as well as ensure that the tools and means eBay used for research and tests of skill and scientific bases for Alaachtbarat tests and tribal and ensure the application of active learning and teaching post tests and statistical methods. The fourth quarter has included display and analyze and discuss the results of the tests before and after the experimental and control groups for skills clapotement change direction and scoring jumping. The fifth chapter guarantees the conclusions reached by the researcher , namely: 1- According to the teaching of active learning has a positive effect on learning and skill development level of performance in my skills clapotement change direction and scoring jump of students at the sample. 2- The presence of statistically significant differences between the experimental group learned that according to the teaching of active learning and control group and the experimental group. 3- Results show the effectiveness and progress in accordance with the teaching of active learning in learning the skills of clapotement change direction and scoring peaceful




How to Cite

tumaa E. Teaching according to the active learning and its effect in the learning of some basic activities in basketball. jope [Internet]. 2014 Mar. 28 [cited 2024 May 11];26(1):166-79. Available from: https://jcope.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/jcope/article/view/55