The impact of the diverse movement games , handling skill development , handball , at the age of ( 9-11 years)


  • Ruqaya Abedulreda



games activities exercised frequently by the players because of which have the opportunity for players to practice duty motor entrusted to them, The basic skills as the backbone of the game of handball ,and handball has the ability and enough skill to qualify for good future performance technical and resolve the requirements of the game and tactical duties in defense and, from here stems the importance of the problem ,to increase the level of physical and technical The research problem identified by the following question: Is that contain educational curricula and training on the motor games can develop the skill of handling the handball game for ages(9-11)?The study aimed to: Preparing set of variety motor games ,Identifying the effect of variety motor Games in the development of motor diverse skill handling the handball ages (9 to 11 years)Research hypotheses:- There are a statistically significant differences between pre and post tests and in favor of the post tests among members of the research subjects in in the development offhand ling skill in handball, There are a statistically significant differences in the posttests between the two groups in the development of h and ling skill in hand ball.In Title II has been writing some of the topics related to the subject of the search stage group 9-11years.In Title III, which included research methodology and procedures as field researcher used the experimental method, and included a description of Title III of the research community and appointed, and the application of the mechanism of the curriculum prepared by the researcher, as the researcher used the bag statistical (SPSS) for the purpose of data process in. In Title IV Results are presented and discussed through the use of t-test for dependent and independent subjects, and proportion of evolution, then the tables showed and the results were discussed. In Title V was mentioned the most important conclusions and recommendations reached by the researcher




How to Cite

Abedulreda R. The impact of the diverse movement games , handling skill development , handball , at the age of ( 9-11 years). jope [Internet]. 2019 May 23 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];27(4):500-18. Available from: