Design a follow-up test defense and its relationship to some variables Albaiukinmatikh players Premier League clubs basketball teams
It included the first door on the front of research, which he discussed the Finder important skills in basketball and the role of suspense in which as well as the role of modern science in the appearance of the results and keep pace with progress in the world's second section covered topics pertaining to Find Kalachtbarat in the field of sports basic skills and the importance of the relationship between them and Analysis motor in terms of identifying the most important skill variables included Title III research methodology as the researcher used descriptive manner relations connectivity The research sample had been chosen as the way intentional amounting to 70 players from the Premier League basketball was in this section show him the work and how it has been selected variables and method of making the experiment President Part IV has been the presentation of the results and discussed in the light of the results obtained by the researcher by the own research experience and got the researcher then the conclusions and recommendations reached and presented in Part V One of the main conclusions is that the performance of the players for this test and the results that emerged from the study may It gave a clear picture that the test is a skill (defensive follow-up) comparable representation of reality, and the most important recommendations to use test (defensive follow-up) which was built and designed in this study for the purpose of continuous assessment