Recreational activity and its importance in the development of self-confidence for the disabled


  • Ismail Abdul Ghani




Contains a search on the three axesI / included Introduction and research problem, which confirmed the Mallterbah sports role in human happiness and well-being, also contained this axis on the importance of research and the need for it and found as well as the objectives of the research, namely, (identify the impact of physical activity on the development of self-confidence for the disabled and identify the impact of physical activity in integration of the disabled community, in addition to the research questions and identify the most important terms used in the research).Included a second axis (theoretical framework), which contained several topics revolved around disability (causes and types) and similar studies.The third axis Vahtoy on measures that dealt with research (research method - the same research - research - experience and reconnaissance) was also fitted with the questionnaire and the appendix in the search resultsFinally, the researcher referred to the conclusions and recommendations, and installation of the references




How to Cite

Abdul Ghani I. Recreational activity and its importance in the development of self-confidence for the disabled. jope [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 23 [cited 2024 Sep. 27];23(3):343. Available from: