The impact of a proposed training curriculum for the development of some immune responses to the variables using the loads of various training intensity sprinters


  • Thamer Hamad



This research appears the importance of Athletic training during the identification of the functional responses for body systems and its effect on chemical and physiological sides and the importance of the metabolic wastes of sporty body. Also this research takes the beneficial events which found with free wastes exist with different loads and its role to enable the oxidation and protect and build the body against different loads also it is essential thing for energy rebuilding during energy systems analysis. Also to identify some responses against immunological changes for changes for body loads with low stress for short distance runners ,and identify the differences between body load and some immunological changes . Statistically used many ways like, mean, stander deviation, T test, ANOVA and L.S.D. The recommendation is to decrease the training load and its volume according with sporty and the period to avoid the excessive increase of free wastes. the researcher used many tests :PH test , white blood cells analysis during rest and stress and vitamin H during restand stress ,chortisal rate analysis during rest and stress and lactic acid test and 400 M running level test .Researcher used varial stress training method ( periodically and frequency ) during forty five days



How to Cite

Hamad T. The impact of a proposed training curriculum for the development of some immune responses to the variables using the loads of various training intensity sprinters. jope [Internet]. 2008 Sep. 28 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];20(3):279-301. Available from: