Evaluation learning level for some individual Skills in Basketball for Student – first College of Sport Education for women


  • Ishraq Ali




In College of Sport education, Basket ball is practical and text lesson. So the Skills of this game must be taught in schools in order to know practicability of students. The researcher Studies this problem, The instruct for's don’t make tests for Students to know what the level of them and can them learn more Skills. The Sample is (60) Students for first year. The researcher use statistics methods. It is concluded that there are ratios of level less than natural Distributing (kayos) and another is more these rations. The sample has three levels (Poor, medium and good) the most repetition is in medium level and for all skills. The researcher recommends to evaluation the level of students in orders to develop them and uses degree nor motive level and limit the level of performance of students in Skills.




How to Cite

Ali I. Evaluation learning level for some individual Skills in Basketball for Student – first College of Sport Education for women. jope [Internet]. 2009 Sep. 28 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];21(3):61-7. Available from: https://jcope.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/jcope/article/view/736

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